Thursday, April 29, 2010

Painting and Jobs.

This past week and a half has been just absolutely insane. Like, major life changes insane. At least that's what it feels like. I got a second job, we repainted the entire apartment and I spent just under $1000 on... stuff.

For the past four months I've been trying to get a job at the gas station I normally go to. It's right next to the motel I work at; the parking lots are connected, it's that close. I put in my app, they'd hire someone else, someone would quit, they'd put the sign back up, rinse and repeat. After the fourth time seeing the sign up, I walked into the store, told the clerk to "Take down that damn sign and just hire me already."

A few days later I got a call from the manager asking me to come in and take a math test and fill out a background check. I passed everything and my first day was today. It wasn't bad at all. They use the same system that I used at Conoco back in the day. I picked it back up again as if I had been using it last week instead of five years ago.

The only thing that blows is I wanted the job as a second job and as a back up in case Rodeway went in the pooper. It's going to sooner or later and I'd rather not be caught with nothing to fall back on. Anyway, it's looking like I'll have to completely quit Rodeway. They only way I'd be able to swing both jobs is if I either A) Work a seven day work week. Totally feasible, but not realistic with the management at Rodeway pulling the "I'm not going to talk to you about your second job at all, they're going to have to work around whatever I feel like having you do" bullshit he's been pulling the past few weeks. Or B) Work only first shift at Rodeway, working from 7am until 3pm there, then going to work at the gas station from 7pm until 12:30am. Also feasible, but the girl who's working mornings at Rodeway, they won't let her work anything else because she's pretty much retarded. I'm sorry, but damn that woman is dumb as shit.

So I've decided that I'm going to quit Rodeway, and I'm kind of pulling a dick move and not giving notice. I'm on the schedule for both places at the same time next week. The only reason I haven't done it already is because my mom is coming down in two days(!) and they're giving her a fucking sweet discount at another hotel they own while she's down here. So after I drop her off at the train station on Monday, it's done. I hate burning bridges like that but seriously, fuck that place. Mack said earlier today that it's caused me nothing but stress and headaches and he's right. It wasn't so much the job itself as the people I had to work with and for. They're so broke that every check is kind of a surprise if it goes through.

I'm kind of stressing about the decision. We're finally starting to live a comfortable life with the money both of us are making. We're not stretching everything out just to get by. Yes, we're still pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, but it's not a matter anymore of having to choose between food, smokes, gas etc. With the new job, I'll be getting about 23-25 hours a week. On the other hand, there's actually a chance for raises and promotions. Unlike Rodeway, where people who have been working there for 13 years are still making minimum wage.

At least this way I'll be less stressed after working, it's also shorter shifts so that's kind of nice. And I can get another job with only a few days a week that would make up for the loss in hours. It's going to be kind of rough for a bit, I'm sure. But all in all, I think I'm making the right choice. After talking to Mack about it, and having his support, I feel so much better that I did twelve hours ago.

We've also painted every single room in the apartment this week. We started on Saturday with the kitchen and finished up today in the bathroom. I should say Mack finished up today in the bathroom. He did the fair majority in the rolling part. I did all the trim in every room. Except the bedroom, he finished up that and let me sleep because he's a damn good boyfriend. The kitchen and bathroom are blue. Waaay bluer than we expected, but it looks pretty good. The bedroom and hallway are yellow. I didn't like it at first but it looks a ton better now that we have all our shit on the walls and it's broken up a bit. The front room where the computer and the TV are and where we spend the vast majority of our time is kind of an olive green. It looks awesome with all the wood trim and black furniture we have in it. We tossed the futon, too. All in all, our apartment actually looks like a lived in home and not just a temporary means to an end. I'm crazy happy about the way everything turned out.

My mom is coming down to visit this weekend! I'm so damn excited. I haven't seen her since December when my dad was in the hospital, but I spent most of my time with him so I haven't really had much time with her since I moved down in July. She's coming in on Friday night and she'll be leaving Monday morning. It's not a huge amount of time but it's still going to be awesome. She'll finally get to meet the kids and of course, Mack. I think he's kind of nervous. He's been cleaning like mad and wants everything to look all good. It's really cute the care he's taking into it. No one's really done that before, but as this relationship goes on, I find more and more things that prove this isn't like anything I've had before. And it makes me feel really good. Not all my relationships were terrible, but the ones that were terrible were really terrible. But none of them have been this good. None of them have been this comfortable. It's nice. I recommend them to everyone.

Once again, sorry it's been so long. See you soon.


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